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Build A Kit

Being prepared for the unexpected brings peace of mind. Build a kit with the essentials your family and pets will need if you must shelter in place or evacuate.

No matter the type of disaster, you will need to have food, water, and essential supplies for your family and pets. In some cases, you’ll take your supplies with you. In others, you’ll use them while sheltering at home.

Chances are, you already have many of the essentials you’ll need to build a disaster kit. Gather them first; then shop for the rest. Once you have all your supplies, build your kit.

Pack your supplies in a portable container. A waterproof container is best. If needed, divide your supplies into multiple containers so they are easier to carry.

You may also want to create a smaller go-kit of basic supplies in a backpack. If you must leave on foot, you can carry it with you.

Of course, no kit would be complete without first aid supplies. And, last but not least, you need to have copies of your important documents.

Keep your supplies ready in an easily accessible area. Keep a list of the items you will need to add at the last minute, such as medications, in clear view on your kit. And don’t forget to periodically replace items that may expire, such as food and batteries.

Use the Disaster Supply Checklist to help you be Texas Ready.

Medical Needs

Some people may need extra supplies to live independently. Plan now for your health away from home. Here are some items to consider.

  • Wheelchair, walker, and/or cane
  • Cooler with cold packs for medications
  • Extra medications
  • Copies of prescriptions and medical alert tags
  • Food for special diets
  • Medical supplies (oxygen, glucose monitoring strips, syringes, batteries)
  • Hearing aids and other communication devices
  • Supplies and documentation for service animals

Be sure to label your medications and equipment with your name and contact information.